What's your respite?
We all have a respite of some sort. Some people are fulfilled by traveling to exotic places, or cooking elaborate dinners. Some like to immerse themselves in a great book on a beach (I could actually do that), or some like to snow ski down the highest mountain. I have clients that get a rush climbing incredibly high mountains or jumping out of airplanes, neither of which I will be partaking. I have one very simple, but laborious get away. Glass bead weaving. After attempting to teach a couple folks how to weave glass they signed up to climb Mt. Everest. lol
When I begin a one of a kind piece I have absolutely no design in mind. I allow the design to present itself as I weave. Brick stitch techique is an ancient Egyptian off loom art that doesn't surface in the accessory world very often. I love being able to introduce it to a more fashion oriented, unconventional way of dressing.